To:   IFCC National Societies Representatives

Dear Friends,

Are you a young scientist (under 40 years) with an interesting clinical case report to share? Do you want to showcase how the laboratory played a vital role in the diagnosis and management of your patient?

If yes, then you are invited to submit your clinical case report to the IFCC TFYS!

To submit your clinical case report, please follow these guidelines:

  • The clinical case report should be original and not previously published/ submitted/ presented elsewhere.
  • The clinical case report should be concise and focused.
  • The clinical case report should include the following sections: introduction, case presentation, laboratory investigations, diagnosis, treatment, outcome, and discussion.
  • The clinical case report should emphasize the role and contribution of the laboratory in the diagnosis and management of the patient.
  • The clinical case report should follow the ethical principles of research involving human subjects.
  • The clinical case report should be written in clear and grammatical English, with appropriate references and citations.
  • The clinical case report should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes the following information: name, affiliation, email address, and date of birth of the author(s); the title of the clinical case report; a brief summary of the main findings and implications of the clinical case report; and a statement of conflict of interest (if any).

The deadline for submission is September 30, 2023. Please send your clinical case report and cover letter as PDF files to

The subject line of your email should be “Clinical Case Report Submission”.

The IFCC Task Force Young Scientists will review all submissions and select the best ones for case presentations.

This is a great opportunity for young scientists to share their clinical cases with a global audience and demonstrate the importance and relevance of the laboratory in patient care. Don’t miss this chance and submit your clinical case report today! We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Please find the abstract template and the PowerPoint Template attached.

Best Regards



Attachment :

1)Abstract Template

2) PowerPoint Template