Dear IFCC Member,
The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists (TF-YS) has developed a survey, which aims to provide information on the diversity and needs of YS around the world. This survey has been sent directly to those YS on the TF database but the TF is keen that the survey gets the widest possible distribution. Therefore, it would be appreciated if you can forward the attached letter and link to YS (medical doctors and scientists aged <40y) who are in your membership or employment. IFCC appreciates that not all its Members will have a YS network and so we ask you to do what you can within your capabilities.
The results of the survey will be published in a future issue of IFCC News in a form that can be distributed to YS.
Thank you in anticipation
Pradeep Dabla (Chair TF-YS) and
Graham Beastall (Past President)
Please click here for more details.